The Tery
Author: F. Wilson, Stephen Fabian
This early short novel by F. Paul Wilson was written at a point when the author was beginning to understand that horror… was the genre he should focus on. THE TERY is certainly not a straightforward scare novel… Wilson began adding horrific elements to his pseudo-fantasy beauty-and-the-beast tale. The creepy stuff includes 'The Hole,' a nightmarish place where failed results of genetic experimentation have been dumped… the eerie way the tribe of telepaths that the tery bonds with practices 'humane hunting'… where we see how radically religion can change after a number of generations…the clever, cool prose that makes Wilson such an easy read is evident…anyone interested in tracking the development of a major genre writer will find much to satiate his or her curiosity. - Fangoria's Nightmare Book Of The Month, Tom Deja

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